York Region
The Forensic Identification Assistant initiative, which is part of the Scenes of Crime program, is a two-phased approach to redeploying uniformed officers (who were previously designated Scenes of Crime officers) to frontline duties, by hiring civilians to document and collect fingerprints, photographic evidence and DNA evidence at most property crime scenes. The civilians also assist in dealing with crimes against persons and do some laboratory work to analyze crime scene evidence.
This initiative has several objectives:
Special Investigations and Support Bureau
Fredrick Moffatt393@yrp.ca
Planning began in September 2012.
Two-phase approach:
Unknown at this time.
1. Measurement of response time to victims / scenes of crime. 2. Measurement of number of total fingerprint and DNA hits from scenes attended. 3. Measurement of the total number of scenes attended. 4. Customer service surveys from community members.
This program is a model for other services within Ontario, with the Royal Canadian Mounted Police as the only police force having a similar program. The implementation is being communicated to the Ontario Police College and will establish changes and standards in scenes of crime evaluation.