Catalogue canadien de recherches policières

How crime in the United States is measured [electronic resource].

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Recherches policières canadienne


Livres électroniques



1 online resource (69 p.)


Congressional report.
CRS Report for Congress.


This report reviews the history of and the similarities and differences between the Uniform Crime Reports (UCR), the National Incident-Based Reporting System (NIBRS) and the National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS). Discussed are the methods each program uses to gather crime data and the limitations of the data collected by each program. The Uniform Crime Reports collects data to measure the effectiveness of local law enforcement. The National Incident-Based Reporting System was instigated by the Federal Bureau of Investigation to collect data on offense(s), offender(s), vicitim(s), arrestee(s) and any property involved in an offense. The Natonal Crime Victimizaton Survey is the primary source of data in criminal victimization, and on the number and types of crime not reported.


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1. Introduction 2. Uniform Crime Reports (UCR) – 2.1. UCR’s History – 2.2. How UCR data are collected – 2.2.1. UCR participation in the United States – 2.2.2. State UCR programs – 2.2.3. UCR data – 2.2.4. Scoring and classifying UCR data – 2.3. Development of the NIBRS – 2.4. The NIBRS compared with the UCR – 2.4.1. NIBRS Data – 2.4.2. NIBRS certification – 2.4.3. Classifying and scoring NIBRS data – 2.4.4. Advantages of the NIBRS – 2.5. Transition to the NIBRS – 2.6. Limitations of UCR and NIBRS data – 2.6.1. Limited offense data – 2.6.2. Unreported crimes – 2.6.3. Reporting practices of law enforcement – 2.6.3. Missing data – 2.6.4. Imputation procedures – 3. National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS) – 3.1. NCVS’ history – 3.2. How NCVS data are collected – 3.2.1. NCVS Data – 3.2.2. NCVS methodology -- 3.3. Limitations of NCVS data – 3.3.1 Sampling and non-sampling error – 3.3.2. Sampling bias – 3.3.3. Series Victimizations – 3.3.4. Changes in household residents – 3.3.5. Limitations on the scope of crimes covered – 3.3.6. Survey design and implementation – 4. The UCR Compared with the NCVS – 5. Select Issues – 5.1. Implementing the NIBRS nationwide – 5.1.1. Does the NIBRS increase the crime rate? – 5.1.2. Decreases in the NCVS sample size – Appendices.

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