The papers reflect the following workshop topics on victimization surveys: victimization surveys in comparative perspective, national victimization surveys, and surveys on violence in intimate relationships.
1. European victimisation survey / Markku Heiskanen and Minna Viuhko. -- 2. Targeted victimisation surveys on immigrants and ethnic minorities: considerations for comparative research development / Jo Goodey. -- 3. Development of a EU victimisation module / Geoffrey Thomas. -- 4. Victim support and the international crime victim survey: a consumer perspective / Antony Pemberton. -- 5. Victimisations surveys in comparative perspective / Richard Blath. -- 6. Consumer fraud and victimisation patterns in Iceland / Rannveig Pórisdóttir and Helgi Gunnlaugsson. -- 7. The new Estonian national victimisation survey - objectives and needs of knowledge / Andri Ahven. -- 8. The new Swedish crime survey - aim, contents and results / Annika Töyrä. -- 9. The Italian national victimisation survey / Maria Giuseppina Muratore and Giovanna Tagliacozzo. -- 10. The British crime survey: the experience of measuring crime over 25 years / Alison Walker. -- 11. The British crime survey / Paul Wiles. -- 12. Value of victimisation surveys for decision makers / Tarja Mankkinen. -- 13. Violence against women in Finland: results from two national victimisation surveys / Markku Heiskanen and Minna Piispa. -- 15. The new Italian violence against women survey / Maria Giuseppina Muratore and Isabella Corazziari. -- 16. From statistics to indicators: how to convert information from surveys into practical indicators / Sylvia Walby.