Catalogue canadien de recherches policières

Best practices to address community gang problems [electronic resource] : OJJDP's Comprehensive Gang Model.

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Recherches policières canadienne


Livres électroniques



1 online resource (ix, 59 p.)


On title page : "National Gang Center."


The report describes the research that produced the model and offers best practices obtained from practitioners with years of experience in planning, implementing, and overseeing variations of the model within their communities. This second edition includes a summary of findings from an independent evaluation of OJJDP’s Gang Reduction Program, a demonstration of the anti-gang framework in four target sites.


Accès en ligne


2nd ed.


1. Purpose and organization of the report -- 2. Development of OJJDP’s Comprehensive Gang Model -- 2.1. Research foundation of the Comprehensive Gang Model 2.2. OJJDP’s Comprehensive Gang Model -- 2.3. The Comprehensive Gang Model in action—OJJDP’s gang reduction program -- 3. Best practices for planning and implementing the Comprehensive Gang Model -- 3.1. Convening a steering committee -- 3.2. Administering the program -- 3.3. Assessing the gang problem -- 3.4. Planning for implementation -- 3.5. Implementing the program -- 3.6. Selecting program activities -- 3.7. Sustaining the program -- 4. Notes -- 5. References -- 6. Appendix A: demonstration and testing of the Comprehensive Gang Model -- 7. Appendix B: multistrategy gang initiative survey.

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