Catalogue canadien de recherches policières

An overview of recorded crimes and arrests resulting from disorder events in August 2011.

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Recherches policières canadienne


Livres et rapports


1 online resource.


is report presents an analytical overview of the riots and disorder that occurred in London and English cities in August 2011, focusing on: where and when the disorder took place; the types of crimes recorded by the police; and the characteristics of suspects arrested by the police. The first outbreaks of disorder followed a peaceful protest in Tottenham in response to the shooting of Mark Duggan, then spread.


Accès en ligne


1. Approach -- 2. Where and when did disorder incidents occur? -- 3. The nature of crimes recorded during the disorder -- 4. Who was arrested in the disorder? -- 5. The link between numbers of crimes and arrests -- 6. The extent and nature of gang involvement in the disorder.

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