Catalogue canadien de recherches policières

Conducted energy device (CED) review [electronic resource].

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Recherches policières canadienne


Livres électroniques




1 online resource (41 p.)


This is a report on the findings of a two-step process for a ministerial review of CED use and policies in Nova Scotia. The first phase directed that local and cross-jurisdictional research be completed, to include data on policies and procedures respecting CED use in Nova Scotia and a review of research currently underway in other jurisdictions. In part two of the process, an advisory panel, with representation from law enforcement and scientific communities, will be established to review the findings and provide advice to the Minister.


Accès en ligne


1. Executive summary. -- 2. Introduction. -- 3. Use of force by law enforcement. -- 4. Conducted energy devices. -- 5. CED policy and procedure in Nova Scotia. -- 6. Use of CED's in Nova Scotia. -- 7. Jurisdictional reviews. -- 8. Conclusion.

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