"Providing services to support youth in exiting sexual exploitation requires multiple methods. Exploration of best practices through a literature review as well as interviews with service providers running programs specifically with the Boys and Girls Clubs of Calgary identify strengths, promising practices, best practices, and considerations for improving programming. Many programs that work with sexually exploited youth exist in Canada, and this paper aims to synthesize key aspects of the programs including collaborative approaches to strengthen service delivery, resourcing, and best or promising practices. It was found that a need for collaborative approaches and a strengthened inventory of resources for service providers across the country would benefit the work of Calgary based programs. As well, an approach to service delivery that includes trauma informed care, holistic services, collaboration, and employing staff who have recovered from sexual exploitation could be among the best and or promising practices to working with sexually exploited youth." -- Abstract (page iv).
Abstract -- Acknowledgements -- Dedication -- Introduction -- The significance of this survey and review of the literature: Federal legislation; Provincial legislation; Program implications -- Description of existing programs: Advocacy programs; Harm reduction - outreach/referral/resource programs; Education and prevention programs; Secure treatment/life skills programs; Shelter and safe house protective programs -- Calgary program review: Grimmon house; Eleanor's house; Hera -- Focused interviews -- Conclusion and recommendations -- Bibliography.