Catalogue canadien de recherches policières

Drug section safety cabinet / Glenn Carroll.

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Recherches policières canadienne


Livres électroniques




1 online resource (12 pages)


Author affiliated with: Canadian Police Research Centre.
"June, 2001."
Abstracts in English and in French.


"In response to incidents of exposure to street drugs by Drug Section members, the Canadian Police Research Centre worked with a supplier of biological fume hoods to develop a self-contained portable unit which could be used in non-laboratory environments, for example in detachment offices, warehouses, airports, etc. The successful development has led to a product line of innovative fume hoods and drying cabinets for law enforcement use. Not only are worker health and safety addressed, but the integrity of the exhibit material is ensured by eliminating cross-contamination."


Accès en ligne


Technical report (Canadian Police Research Centre) ; TR-04-2001.

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