"This study examined the capabilities of three technologies (a liquid cooled undergarment, a thickly-ribbed vest of hydrophylic nylon, and an air vest) to alleviate thermal strain in personnel working in Explosives Ordnance Disposal (EOD) clothing under environmental conditions of 180C @ 40% relative humidity (rh), 340C @ 40% rh, and 340C @ 80% rh. The results indicated that wearing the EOD suit produces significant increases in thermal physiological strain over performing the same tasks in a standard station uniform. However, the liquid-cooled Exotempv personal cooling system was very effective in reducing that strain during heat exposure."
1. Abstract -- 2. Executive Summary -- 3. Glossary of Terms -- 4. Introduction -- 5. Methods -- 6. Results and Discussion -- 6.1. Subject sample characteristics -- 6. 2. Blood analyses -- 6.3. STD/EOD/LIQ comparisons -- 6.4. LIQ/RIB\AIR comparisons -- 6.5. Age comparisons -- 7. Summary and Conclusions -- 8. Acknowledgement -- 9. References -- 10. Appendix A. Tables of numerical results -- Appendix B. Photographs of clothing/activities.