Catalogue canadien de recherches policières

Spatial and temporal crime analysis techniques / by Cst. Murray R. Rayment.

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Recherches policières canadienne


Livres électroniques




1 online resource (12 pages)


Author affiliated with: Crime Analysis Unit, Vancouver Police Department.
"Submitted by Vancouver Police Department".
"August, 1995".
Executive summary in English and in French.


"The Vancouver Police Department has developed Geographic Information Systems which go beyond the more traditional methods of statistical analysis to interpret crime data for the desktop computer user. Dispatch and offence records are extracted from the mainframe computer, converted to xBASE compatible fields, then appended to tables on CAU workstations. Data is coded for geographical location to enable spatial and temporal analysis."


Accès en ligne


Technical memorandum (Canadian Police Research Centre) ; TM-06-96.

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