Catalogue canadien de recherches policières

Two-piece integrated riot suit / by Sgt. W.R. Papple.

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Recherches policières canadienne


Livres électroniques




1 online resource (18 unnumbered pages)


"December, 1993".
"Two copies of this final prototype suit were submitted to RCMP Headquarters tactical toops for evaluation. They had 20 troop members (from the Ottawa area) and 10 Tactical Troop Instructors (from across Canada) conduct evaluations of the product."--Page [6].
This CPRC technology has been licensed to a private Canadian company: Biokinetics and Associates Ltd.
Executive summary in English and in French.


"The purpose of this research project was to design and develop a two piece protective suit with integrated padding that is appropriate for the threat faced by Canadian riot troop members."


Accès en ligne


Technical memorandum (Canadian Police Research Centre) ; TM-18-93.

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