Catalogue canadien de recherches policières

International efforts to contain money laundering / John L. Evans.

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Recherches policières canadienne


Livres électroniques



Includes bibliographical references.


1 online resource (32 pages)


Author affiliated with Management and Policy International, Inc.
Presented at the Money Laundering: Joining Forces To Prevent It seminar, April 8, 1997, Bankers Club, Mexico City.
Includes the forty recommendations of the Financial Action Task Force on Money Laundering, as well as interpretive notes (pages 12-32).


This paper gives an overview of key international efforts to address money laundering. It is not exhaustive; there are by now many international organizations and special multilateral and bilateral groups seeking to develop and implement measures to prevent, detect, investigate and prosecute money laundering offences. The paper is, for the most part, restricted to the brief given: to review the history and current status of the Financial Action Task Force. The paper also reviews United Nations efforts in combating money laundering and references some related international work.


Accès en ligne

Conférence réunion

Money Laundering: Joining Forces To Prevent It Seminar (1997 : Mexico City)

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