Catalogue canadien de recherches policières

Privacy and video surveillance in mass transit systems : a special investigative report : privacy investigation report MC07-68 / Ann Cavoukian.

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Recherches policières canadienne


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Privacy investigation report MC07-68




Includes bibliographical references.


1 online resource (45 pages)


"March 3, 2008."
The original document was published on the public website of the Government of Ontario. © Queen’s Printer for Ontario, 2008. Reproduced with permission.


This Report was prompted by a complaint received from Privacy International regarding the Canadian expansion of the use of video surveillance cameras in the City of Toronto’s mass transit system. In light of the divergent points of view on video surveillance, in addition to investigating this complaint, my office decided to expand our Report to include a review of the literature, as well as an examination of the role that privacy-enhancing technologies can play in mitigating the privacy-invasive nature of video surveillance cameras. As such, this Report is longer than most, attempting to provide a comprehensive analysis examining the broader context of video surveillance. Given the enormous public support for the use of video surveillance cameras in mass transit systems and by the law enforcement community, addressing this issue broadly, with a view to seeking a positive-sum paradigm through the use of privacy-enhancing technologies, is our ultimate goal.


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