Catalogue canadien de recherches policières

Sex work enforcement guidelines / prepared by Kristie McCann, Richard Akin, Cita Airth.

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Recherches policières canadienne


Livres électroniques




Includes footnotes.


1 online resource (6 pages)


"With the assistance of WISH, PIVOT, BC Coalition of Experiential Communities, PEERS and PACE."


This document reflects the Vancouver Police Department’s philosophy regarding violence against sex workers and the enforcement of sex work-related laws. It is also intended to provide police officers and the public with the rationale for VPD’s guidelines for sex work enforcement. The response strategies outlined here are consistent with the VPD’s overall strategic goals, and ensure a consistent, respectful message when VPD officers are dealing with anyone involved in the sex industry. At all times, the VPD officers will uphold the values of "IPAR": Integrity, Professionalism, Accountability, and Respect. As articulated in the VPD Strategic Plan, all actions taken by the VPD will be justifiable, proportional and minimally intrusive.


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