Catalogue canadien de recherches policières

Innovations in urban design : using the tactics of situational crime prevention / Gregory Saville.

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Recherches policières canadienne


Livres électroniques




Includes bibliographical references.


1 online resource (23 pages)


"A paper for Habitat 94, Joint Congress of the International Housing and Planning Federation & The Canadian Institute of Planners, Edmonton, Alberta, September 19, 1994."


"In this paper I deal with the role that planning professionals can play in addressing the event and the fear of urban crime. I provide an overview of our current response to these issues and present a new response, situational crime prevention, as a useful planning tactic for the future (cf. Saville, 1988). I propose some minimum standards and ways in which to classify those engaged in this form of planning activity. Included here are some minimum criteria for crime prevention plans and risk assessments of urban designs. Finally, I outline a few urban designs that may impact on the event and the fear of crime and I suggest that they should be subject to a crime prevention planning process."--Page 1.


Accès en ligne

Conférence réunion

Joint Congress of the International Housing and Planning Federation & The Canadian Institute of Planners( 1994 : Edmonton, Alberta). Habitat 94.

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