Catalogue canadien de recherches policières

Survey results : CACP professionalism in policing research project / Stephen Maguire and Lorraine Dyke.

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Recherches policières canadienne


Livres électroniques

Titre alternatif

CACP professionalism in policing research project
CACP professionalism in policing research project : recommendations.




1 online resource (46 pages) : tables.


Authors affiliated with: Carleton University.
"Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police, leading progressive change in policing"--cover.
Recommendations related to survey issued as: CACP professionalism in policing research project : recommendations.


"The purpose of the survey was to examine the factors affecting professionalism in a structured way with a broad, representative sample of police officers. While surveys do not permit respondents to describe their concerns in their own words, they do facilitate comparative measurement of attitudes and behaviour amongst larger groups than could be feasibly interviewed. The primary objectives of the survey were to examine: officers' assessments of integrity and organizational commitment; officers’ assessments of management practices, work environment variables and agency programs; the impact of management practices, work environment variables, and agency programs on officer integrity and commitment; and group differences on key variables"--text from page 4.


Accès en ligne


1. The survey results -- 1.1. The methodology -- 1.2. A profile of respondants -- 1.3. Management practices -- 1.4. The work environment -- 1.5. Agency programs -- 1.6. Integrity and commitment -- 1.7. Factors affecting integrity and commitment -- 1.8. Job type differences: supervisors versus non-supervisors -- 1.9. Gender differences -- 1.10. Ethnic differences -- 1.11. Summary and conclusions -- 1.12. General conclusions -- 2. Tables -- 3. Figures.

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