Catalogue canadien de recherches policières

Lawful access reform : a position paper prepared for the Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police.

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Recherches policières canadienne


Livres électroniques




1 online resource (13 pages)


"Prepared by: Lawful Access Subcommittee, CACP Law Amendments Committee"--page 1.
"Date: November 2008"--page 1.


"Current lawful access provisions in Canadian law have not kept pace with evolving technology and are inadequate to allow effective access to current and emerging data communications services in Canada. Even when law enforcement and national security have authority to intercept communications, technical barriers can make it practically difficult, even impossible, to effect these court authorized interceptions. This gap between the law and the reality of today’s technology poses a serious threat to public safety, creates a safe zone where criminals can operate free from fear of detection and apprehension, and negatively impacts serious criminal investigations, prevention efforts and prosecutions."--page 2.


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