Catalogue canadien de recherches policières

Community Safety Round Table : 22-23 February 2006, the Westin Ottawa.

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Recherches policières canadienne


Livres électroniques




1 online resource (18 pages)


"Coalition on Community Safety, Health and Well-being".
"Coalition pour la sécurité, la santé et le bien-être des communautés".
"22 March 2006".


"On February 22 and 23, 2006, the Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police held a round table with national organizations involved in social development with a view to promoting community safety, health and well-being. The objectives of this round table were to: build linkages with national non-governmental associations in order to reinforce the vision of a community-based approach to crime prevention through sustainable social development, and articulate messages which will garner support for community-owned strategies for sustainable social development. The purpose of this “as-it-was-recorded” report is to present the key messages emerging from this retreat. It is not intended to be a polished synthesis or think piece, but rather a presentation of the most salient points arising from the meeting."-- Context and Purpose.


Accès en ligne


I. Background -- II. Context and purpose of this “as-it-was-recorded” report -- III. Agenda -- IV. In attendance -- V. Points raised in opening discussions -- VI. Identification of key ingredients and messages -- VII. Closing – Jack Ewatski -- Annex B. Results of early group work to identify key ingredients and key messages.

Conférence réunion

Community Safety Round Table (1st : 2006 : Ottawa, Ont.)

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