Catalogue canadien de recherches policières

Social capital in action : thematic policy studies.

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Recherches policières canadienne


Livres électroniques

Titre alternatif

PRI Project : social capital as a public policy tool
Le capital social à l'oeuvre : études thématiques sur les politiques.




Includes bibliographical references.


1 online resource (iii, 187 pages) : illustrations, charts


Issued also in French under title: Le capital social à l'oeuvre : études thématiques sur les politiques.
"September 2005."
"PRI project, social capital as a public policy tool"--Cover page.


"The Canadian experts commissioned to undertakethe thematic studies were asked to develop policybriefs on issues where the concept of social capitalmight be usefully applied to areas of strategicconcern to the federal government. Specifically, thestudies’ authors were asked to collect and assessevidence indicative of a link between the policyarea of their study and network-based social capital,identify and highlight promising practices fromcurrent programs and initiatives where the use ofa social capital perspective may play a role, andanalyze the potential for future strategic researchand policy development in the area"--Page 2.


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