Catalogue canadien de recherches policières

Building capacity : Mental Health and Police Project : summary of findings / Canadian Mental Health Association.

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Recherches policières canadienne


Livres électroniques




1 online resource (12 pages)


"The Building Capacity: Mental Health and Police Project was initiated by CMHA-BC Division in February 2005 in an effort to find ways to improve interactions between police and persons with mental illness. The project, funded by the Provincial Health Services Authority and the Vancouver Foundation, built on CMHA’s Study in Blue and Grey. The intent of the project was to try to develop solutions at a local level, by bringing together all the parties that play a part in a mental health crisis to discuss the services available, the problems that exist, and how those problems can be solved."--Page 1.


"Attached are the summaries of issues and actions of each community, followed by a list of issues commonly identified by at least two committees as requiring action at the provincial/regional level to resolve them, and recommendations for what that action might be."--Page 1.


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