Catalogue canadien de recherches policières

Mental Health & Police Project (MHAPP) 2006-2007 final site report / Adrienne Jones.

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Recherches policières canadienne


Livres électroniques

Titre alternatif

Mental Health and Police Project (MHAPP) 2006-2007 final site report
BC : Mental Health and Police Project – Phase II – Kelowna




1 online resource (16 pages)


"Kelowna was selected as one of three communities in BC to participate in the second phase of the Mental Health and Police Project. This project is designed to improve responses by police officers and first responders to people with mental illness who are in crisis situations. Through the involvement of local police, people with mental illness, their family members and various community agencies, strengths and areas for improvement in dealing with interactions with people experiencing a mental health crisis were identified. We worked together to create a community-specific plan of action to implement and evaluate effective models of response to people in mental health crises."--Introduction.


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