Catalogue canadien de recherches policières

Human trafficking is a crime.

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Recherches policières canadienne


Livres et rapports

Titre alternatif

La traite de personnes est un crime.




1 streaming video (32 seconds) : sound, colour


Issued also in French under title: La traite de personnes est un crime.
"Date modified: 2012-11-13."


"This video is a montage about human trafficking. It begins by showing a plane landing at an airport then men exchanging money for a young female. We then see young males exchanging money in a car to illustrate how human trafficking generates millions of dollars for individuals and criminal organizations. Next, we see a young female who has been forced into the sex trade using makeup to cover bruises on her face, a man who has been forced into labour working in a kitchen, and a sad-looking child who illustrates child exploitation. All of these people depict the vulnerability of exploited individuals. Finally, we see an image of medical supplies then a shipping container being loaded on a dock to depict the removal of organs."


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