Catalogue canadien de recherches policières

Government action plan 2004-2009 on domestic violence : prevention and promotion detection and early identification, psychosocial intervention, judical and correctional intervention, adaptation to special realities, essential conditions for successful action, implementation, evaluation and follow-up.

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Recherches policières canadienne


Livres électroniques

Titre alternatif

Plan d'action governemental 2004-2009 en matière de violence conjugale : prévention et promotion, dépistage et identification précoce, intervention psychosociale, intervention judiciaire et correctionelle, adaptation aux réalités particulières, conditions essentielles à la réussite des actions, mise en oeuvre, évaluation et suivi.




Includes bibliographical references.


1 online resource (32 pages)


Issued also in French under title: Plan d'action governemental 2004-2009 en matière de violence conjugale : prévention et promotion, dépistage et identification précoce, intervention psychosociale, intervention judiciaire et correctionelle, adaptation aux réalités particulières, conditions essentielles à la réussite des actions, mise en oeuvre, évaluation et suivi.
"Produced by: The communications division of the Ministère de la Justice, the public affairs and communications division of the Ministère des Relations avec les citoyens et de l’Immigration".


"The Government action plan 2004-2009 on domestic violence consists of 72 commitments, over half of which are new measures that will allow the government to improve his action in this area. Eight government departments, including three secretariat and their respective assistance and protection networks are accountable for the commitments made in this plan of action. The commitments reflect the four key focuses of the domestic violence policy: prevention, detection, adaptation to special realities and sociojudicial intervention."--Pages 2, 3.


Accès en ligne


1. Preparation of the 2004-2009 plan of action -- 1.1. Member organizations of the Comité conseil en matière de violence conjugale (advisory committee on domestic violence) that took part in the consultations -- 1.2. Main documentary sources -- 2. Prevention and promotion -- 2.1. Awareness and information -- 2.2. Activities and tools -- 2.3. Support -- 3. Detection / early identification -- 3.1. Intervention development -- 4. Psychosocial intervention -- 4.1. Information on resources and services -- 4.2. Support -- 4.3. Training -- 5. Judicial and correctional intervention -- 5.1. Information for victims -- 5.2. Training -- 5.3. Improvements in professional practices -- 6. Adaptation to special realities -- 6.1. Promotion and prevention -- 6.2. Support -- 6.3. Psychosocial intervention -- 6.4. Judicial and correctional intervention -- 7. Essential conditions for successful action -- 7.1. Inter-sector joint action -- 7.2. Statistics on domestic violence -- 7.3. Assessment of the risk of dangerousness -- 8. Implementation, evaluation and follow-up -- 8.1. Promotion of the policy and plan of action -- 8.2. Comité interministériel de coordination en matière de violence conjugale, familiale et sexuelle -- 8.3. Comité conseil en matière de violence conjugale -- 8.4. Evaluation -- Appendix 1. MSSS actions in connection with measure 1 -- Appendix 2. MEQ actions in connection with measure 8 -- Appendix 3. MAMSL actions in connection with measure 11 -- Appendix 4. MSSS actions in connection with measure 16 -- Appendix 5. Training elements in connection with measure 33 of MJQ -- Appendix 6. MSP actions in connection with measure 35 -- Appendix 7. MJQ actions in connection with measure 36 -- Appendix 8. MRCI actions in connection with measures 48 and 51 -- Appendix 9. MRCI actions in connection with measure 58 -- Appendix 10. MJQ actions in connection with measure 62.

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