Catalogue canadien de recherches policières

If you want to change violence in the 'hood, you have to change the 'hood : violence and street gangs in Winnipeg's inner city / By Elizabeth Comack, Lawrence Deane, Larry Morrissette, and Jim Silver.

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Recherches policières canadienne


Livres électroniques




1 online resource (14 pages)


"A Report Presented to Honourable Dave Chomiak, Minister of Justice and Attorney General, Government of Manitoba, September 10, 2009".
Author(s) affiliated with: University of Manitoba; Ogijiita Pimatiswin Kinamatwin (OPK) Program (Winnipeg); University of Winnipeg.


"There is growing concern about the level of violence in Winnipeg's North End. The media regularly feature headline reports about gun violence, and street gang activity has become a focus of attention in the effort to "get tough on crime." Against this backdrop, the authors met with six members of a North End street gang, who wanted to convey their experiences of living in the North End, their thoughts on the recent events that have occurred there, and their insights into what it will take to make meaningful change. Too often the voices of such men are not heard. Yet they have an intimate knowledge of, and are an integral part of, these pressing problems. If meaningful change is to occur their voices need to be made part of the public discussion."--Publihser.


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