Catalogue canadien de recherches policières

De-radicalising Islamists : programmes and their impact in Muslim majority states / Hamed El-Said.

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Recherches policières canadienne


Livres électroniques



1 online resource (47 pages)


"January 2012."
The author is affiliated with: Manchester Metropolitan University Business School (UK).


"This report is part of a larger project funded by the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. ...The Report examines the approaches of eight Muslim-majority states known to have developed ‘soft’ strategies to counter this problem, and demonstrates how all of these countries have developed varied approaches, strategies and processes."--Executive summary.


Accès en ligne


1. Algeria’s Civil Accord – 2. Bangladesh’s Hybrid Approach – 3. Egypt’s Spontaneous De-radicalisation Process – 4. Jordan’s Lack of a ‘Soft’ Strategy – 5. Malaysia’s De-radicalisation: Learning from the Past – 6. Morocco: Promoting Islamic Beauty – 7. The Art of De-radicalisation: Saudi Arabia – 8. Yemen’s Attempts at Rehabilitation.


Developments in Radicalisation and Political Violence.

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