Catalogue canadien de recherches policières

A comparative study of the U.S.- Canadian role in combating human trafficking / Shadan Kapri Mohajerin.

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Recherches policières canadienne


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Includes bibliographical references.


1 online resource ( pages) :


M.A. University of British Columbia 2006.


Human trafficking is a modem day form of slavery that exists in most parts of the world today including North America. In response to this problem, Canada needs to become more actively involved in combating this modem day form of indentured servitude. Canadian law reform efforts to date have been insufficient and have inadvertently contributed to the problem by (1) re-victimizing women and children, (2) failing to assist prosecutions and investigations (3) helping traffickers circumvent domestic laws, (4) failing to deal with the root causes of trafficking, (5) failing to protect victims, (6) not creating national programs for support and rehabilitation, and (7) not making public awareness of trafficking a priority for law enforcement officials and the public. To more effectively combat this problem a different kind of law reform agenda is necessary which adopts a multidisciplinary approach that makes victims and victim protection a central priority in the nation’s anti-trafficking strategy..


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