Catalogue canadien de recherches policières

Guidance for the appointment of chief officers.

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Recherches policières canadienne


Livres électroniques




Includes bibliographical references.


1 online resource (33 pages)


Version 1.0.


This document describes the principles, processes and responsibilities required for theappointment of Chief Constables (CCs), Deputy Chief Constables (DCCs)and Assistant Chief Constables (ACCs). It also describes the requirementsfor the appointment of the Commissioner, Deputy Commissioner (DC),Assistant Commissioners (ACs), Deputy Assistant Commissioners (DACs)and Commanders within the Metropolitan Police Service (MPS). TheGuidance reflects the intention that those responsible for appointmentsshould use their discretion providing that they act lawfully and consistentlywith the principles outlined in the Guidance. These principles are the sameas those within the Code of Practice for Public Appointments (2012) aspublished by the Commissioner for Public Appointments.


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