Catalogue canadien de recherches policières

Professional entry to policing : pre-join strategy & guidance.

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Recherches policières canadienne


Livres électroniques




1 online resource (29 pages)


Version 1.06.


"This Strategy and Guidance has been developed to enable forces to realise the benefits and opportunities for pre-join options set out herein, and presents a framework of schemes that allows transferability of awards across and between forces and providers wherever the learning takes place. The purpose of this strategy is therefore to provide a range of inter-related and flexible pre-join options that meet the operational needs of Forces, the community and provide high quality recruits and support Forces in implementing pre-join programmes." -- Page 4.


Accès en ligne


1. Introduction & Purpose. -- 2. Background. -- 3. Principles of the Strategy. -- 4. Objectives of the Strategy. -- 5. Outcomes / Benefits. -- 6. The Policing Curriculum. -- 6.1. The National Curriculum. -- 6.2. The Initial Learning Curriculum. -- 6.3. IPLDP. -- 6.4. PCSO. -- 6.5. IL4SC. -- 7. IPLDP Pre-Join. -- 7.1. Pre-Join Curriculum. -- 7.2. The Pre-Join - Certificate in Knowledge of Policing. -- 7.3. Ways of Achieving the Certificate in Knowledge of Policing or its Equivalency. -- 7.4. Currency of the Certificate in Knowledge of Policing. -- 8. College of Policing Approved Provider Scheme. -- 9. Relationship between Programmes and Qualifications. -- 10. Programme Maintenance, Copyright and Licence. -- 11. Pre-Join Candidates and Qualifications. -- 12. Post-Join Arrangements. -- 13. Providers and Access. -- 14. Recruit Assessment & Selection. -- 15. Costs and Funding. -- 16. Equality Impact Assessment. -- 17. Quality Assurance. -- 18. Governance. -- 19. Responsibilities and Timescales. -- 20. Glossary of Terms. -- 21. Appendix 1. -- 22. Appendix 2. -- 23. Appendix 3.

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