Catalogue canadien de recherches policières

Code of practice on the operation and use of the Police National Database / issued by the Secretary of State for the Home Department.

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Recherches policières canadienne


Livres électroniques




Includes bibliographical references.


1 online resource (8 pages)


"Made by the Secretary of State for the Home Department in March 2010."
"Presented to Parliament pursuant to Section 39A of the Police Act 1996."


The purpose of this code and associated guidance is: a) to promote the lawful and consistent use of the Police National Database (PND) and the information obtained from it; b) to ensure that chief officers adopt practices for the use of the PND and the information obtained from it in order that such information is used effectively for policing purposes; c) to ensure that the operation of the PND complies with data protection and human rights legislation; and d) to ensure that the PND is not used in a way which is discriminatory or otherwise unfair to anyone based on their age, race, ethnicity, any faith or belief, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation or any disability.


Accès en ligne


1. Introduction. -- 2. The Purpose of the Police National Database. -- 3. General Principles. -- 4. Using the PND.

Date de modification :