Catalogue canadien de recherches policières

The effects of problem-oriented policing on crime and disorder : what works briefing.

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Recherches policières canadienne


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1 online resource ( pages)


Full review citation: Weisburd D., Telep C.W., Hinkle J.C., Eck J.E. "The effects of problem-oriented policing on crime and disorder". Campbell Systematic reviews (2008).


"This document briefly summarizes a Campbell Collaboration Systematic Review, which is a longer and more technical report that focused on evaluations problem-oriented policing (POP/ problem solving/ problem-oriented partnerships). The evaluations were then assessed against strict inclusion criteria. Only those with a design which attempted to rule out alternative explanations for changes in levels of criminal behavior, and which had comparison or control sites were included. The review then draws general conclusions from this pool of evaluations about how well problem-solving approaches work in reducing crime and disorder, compared to areas with similar problems where these tactics were not employed."--Page 1.


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