Catalogue canadien de recherches policières

New challenges for police : a heroin epidemic and changing attitudes toward marijuana.

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Recherches policières canadienne


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1 online resource (64 pages)


Introduction by Chuck Wexler, Executive Director of Police Executive Research Forum.


"This report summarizes the information and analyses of police leaders on two major developments on issues of drug enforcement: (1) the epidemic of prescription pain medicine and heroin abuse and related overdoses and fatalities, and (2) the increasing decrimininalization of marijuana, legalization of medical marijuana, and in two states, legalization of recreational marijuana use. Each development has required police agencies to change their policies, practices, and entire ways of thinking about drug enforcement issues."--Page 52.


Accès en ligne


Introduction, by Chuck Wexler. -- Police chiefs and federal leaders focus on the heroin epidemic. -- Marijuana legalization in Colorado and Washington State, and the U.S. Justice Department's response. -- Conclusion.


Critical issues in policing series (Police Executive Research Forum)

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