Catalogue canadien de recherches policières

Common curriculum on money laundering for police officers I.

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Recherches policières canadienne


Livres électroniques




Includes bibliographical references.


1 online resource (84 pages)


This document consists of 3 parts: Module Description, Trainer’s Manual, and Study Guide. The Module Description contains the main information on the Common Curriculum on Money Laundering. This Trainer’s Manual contains a general listing of topics and objectives as well as some explanatory notes for trainers. It is meant to help trainers to prepare and implement a ‘Train the trainers’ course on money laundering. The Study Guide aims to provide future course participant with information on the course and some guidelines for self-preparation before attending .


Accès en ligne


MODULE DESCRIPTION. -- 1. Rationale. -- 2. Target group. -- 3. Learning outcomes. -- 4. Content. -- 5. Delivery methods: Combination of the Common Curriculum with e-learning. -- 6. Duration. -- 7. Assessment. -- 8. Certification. -- TRAINER’S MANUAL. -- 1. Introduction. -- 2. Preparation phase. -- 3. Overview of training. -- 4. Assessment. -- 5. Certification. -- 6. Contact details. -- 7. Resources. -- STUDY GUIDE. -- 1. Introduction. -- 2. Learning outcomes. -- 3. Preparation. -- 4. Overview of training. -- 5. Resources. -- 6. Assessment. -- 7. Contact details.

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