Catalogue canadien de recherches policières

Common curricula on policing domestic violence.

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Recherches policières canadienne


Livres électroniques




Includes bibliographical references.


1 online resource (202 pages)


This document consists of 3 parts: Module Description, Trainer’s Manual, and Study Guide. The Module Description contains the main information on this Common Curriculum (CC). The Trainer’s Manual is meant to help course developers and trainers to prepare and implement a course including the necessary preparation activities, content and references but also delivery options, in order to achieve established objectives and learning outcomes. It is divided into three parts: the General part provides some basic elements and guidance for the preparation of the training activity: the target groups, preparation activities, how to start a training activity as well as some indications on how to proceed concerning assessment, evaluation and certification, which are mainly national issues, and concerning contact details and resources; Part I refers to training for police officers; Part II refers to training for senior police officers. The Study Guide is meant to provide future training participant with information and with some guidelines for self-preparation before attending.


Accès en ligne


MODULE DESCRIPTION. -- 1. Introduction. -- 2. Definition. -- 3. Rationale. -- 4. Target groups. -- 5. Learning outcomes. -- 6. Content. -- 7. Context. -- 8. Delivery methods. -- 9. Duration. -- 10. Assessment. -- 11. Certification. --
TRAINER’S MANUAL. -- General part. -- 1. Target groups. -- 2. Preparation activities for the trainer. -- 3. Start the training activity. -- 4. Assessment. -- 5. Evaluation. -- 6. Certification. -- 7. Contact details. -- 8. Resources. -- Part 1 Training for Police Officers. -- 1. Target groups. -- 2. Learning outcomes. -- 3. Training overview. -- 4. Preparation phase / computer-based training. -- 5. Contact phase. -- Part 2 Training for Police Officers in Senior Command. -- 1. Target group. -- 2. Learning outcomes. -- 3. Overview/timetable. -- 4. Preparation phase/computer-based training. -- 5. Contact phase. --
STUDY GUIDE. -- 1. Target group. -- 2. Learning outcomes. -- 3. Preparation. -- 4. Overview of training. -- 5. Resources. -- 6. Assessment. -- 7. Contact details.

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