Catalogue canadien de recherches policières

Special report concerning illicit drug use by Victoria police officers : operations Apsley, Hotham and Yarrowitch.

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Recherches policières canadienne


Livres électroniques




1 online resource (50 pages)


"This report presents the findings of key investigations by the Independent Broad-based Anti-corruption Commission (IBAC) into serious police misconduct involving the use of illicit drugs, and broader consideration of Victoria Police’s systems and practices to detect and prevent illicit drug use by its officers. IBAC’s Operations Apsley, Hotham and Yarrowitch raise serious concerns about illicit drug use by sworn police officers and also highlight potential systemic weaknesses in Victoria Police’s approach to this issue. Any illicit drug use by police is a serious problem with significant ramifications not only for the individual officers involved, but also for their colleagues, and the police force as a whole. Importantly, police use of illicit drugs adversely impacts the safety of the community and undermines the community’s level of trust and respect for police and the law."--Page 5.


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