Résultats de recherche du catalogue canadien de recherches policières

Critères de recherche


  • Recherches policières canadienne


"Department of Justice"

Titre Source Année
The impact of the youth criminal justice act on police charging practices with young persons [electronic resource] : a preliminary statistical assessment
  • Document du gouvernement
Multi-site survey of victims of crime and criminal justice professionals across Canada : executive summary.
  • Document du gouvernement
Multi-site survey of victims of crime and criminal justice professionals across Canada : summary of police respondents.
  • Document du gouvernement
Victims of trafficking in persons : perspectives from the Canadian community sector / Jacqueline Oxman-Martinez, Marie Lacroix, Jill Hanley.
  • Document du gouvernement
The cost of pain and suffering from crime in Canada / Ambrose Leung.
  • Document du gouvernement
Multi-site survey of victims of crime and criminal justice professionals across Canada / prepared by Prairie Research Associates Inc.
  • Document du gouvernement
Pilot study of method to review closed organized crime files : final report on phase 1 and recommendations for phase 2 / Colin Meredith and Neil Chambers.
  • Document du gouvernement
Pre-trial detention under the Young Offenders Act : a study of urban courts : report to the Department of Justice Canada / by Sharon Moyer and Maryanna Basic.
  • Document du gouvernement
Public views on the Anti-Terrorism Act (formerly Bill C-36) : a qualitative study / Millward Brown Goldfarb.
  • Document du gouvernement
The views of Canadian scholars on the impact of the Anti-Terrorism Act [electronic resource] / Thomas Gabor.
  • Document du gouvernement
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