Résultats de recherche du catalogue canadien de recherches policières

Critères de recherche


  • Recherches policières canadienne


"Criminal statistics - Canada."

Titre Source Année
Analysis of the spatial distribution of crime in Canada [electronic resource] : summary of major trends, 1999, 2001, 2003 and 2006 / by Josée Savoie. 2008
Crime statistics in Canada, 2007 [electronic resource] / by Mia Dauvergne. 2008
Fear of crime and the neighbourhood context in Canadian cities / by Robin Fitzgerald. 2008
Firearms and violent crime [electronic resource] / by Mia Dauvergne and Leonardo De Socio. 2008
Homicide in Canada, 2007 [electronic resource] / by Geoffrey Li. 2008
An international perspective on criminal victimisation [electronic resource] / by Julie Sauvé and Kwing Hung. 2008
Motor vehicle theft in Canada, 2007 [electronic resource] / by Mia Dauvergne. 2008
Sexual assault in Canada, 2004 and 2007 / by Shannon Brennan and Andrea Taylor-Butts. 2008
Sexual orientation and victimization, 2004 / by Diane L. Beauchamp. 2008
Violent victimization in Canada / by Robyn Brazeau and Jodi-Ann Brzozowski. 2008
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