Shared Forward Agenda

Following direction from Federal, Provincial and Territorial (FPT) Ministers Responsible for Justice and Public Safety, all governments, in partnership with other stakeholders, developed the Shared Forward Agenda, a first step to creating a strategy for the future of policing in Canada.

Over the summer of 2013, Public Safety Canada convened a Steering Committee to develop the Shared Forward Agenda.

The main principles behind the Shared Forward Agenda are to cooperate collectively while respecting jurisdictional responsibilities for policing, and to adopt a comprehensive approach to public safety. The Shared Forward Agenda is comprised of concrete 'early actions' (Phase I) and 'actions for consideration,' (Phase II) to help make policing in Canada more efficient and effective by focusing on best practices and research.

A number of items have been accomplished under both phases of the Shared Forward Agenda, including the 2015 launch of the Canadian Policing Research Catalogue and the Index of Policing Initiatives. Overall, these tools aim to address Canadian policing research gaps, while encouraging information-sharing among police services and governments. Public Safety Canada has also hosted several learning events to engage the policing community in order to advance the Shared Forward Agenda.

Public Safety Canada will continue to work with the Steering Committee, other levels of government and stakeholders, to provide national leadership towards the implementation of efficient and effective practices for policing and community safety in Canada.

Background Information on the Economics of Policing

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