Frequently Asked Questions

Does each jurisdiction have to give out an award in every category?

No. The number of awards presented will depend on the number and nature of nominations.

Why are the Search and Rescue categories part of the Federal nominations process?

The Search and Rescue categories have a different review process, inclusive of the search andrescue community. As such, we will leverage the expertise and experience of search andrescue associations and existing committee structures to review nominations. The National Search and Rescue Secretariat, Public Safety Canada, is best placed to coordinate this review – that's why all Search and Rescue category nominations will flow through Public Safety Canada. Employee nominations will be reviewed by a working group of the Interdepartmental Committee on Search and Rescue and the Ground SAR Council of Canada, based on nominee jurisdiction. Search and Rescue volunteer nominations will be channeled through the Volunteer Search and Rescue Council. After this review, selected nominees will be endorsed by the Interdepartmental Committee on SAR.

What do award recipients receive? Is there a monetary award?

Award recipients will receive a medallion. There is no monetary award associated with the Emergency Management Exemplary Service Award.

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