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Neighbourhood characteristics and the distribution of crime [electronic resource] : Edmonton, Halifax and Thunder Bay / Josée Savoie.

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Recherches policières canadienne


Livres électroniques

Titre alternatif

Caractéristiques des quartiers et répartition de la criminalité : Edmonton, Halifax et Thunder Bay.




1 online resource (174 leaves)


Also published in French under title: Caractéristiques des quartiers et répartition de la criminalité : Edmonton, Halifax et Thunder Bay.
Catalogue no.: 85-561-M2008010.


This research paper explores the spatial distribution of crime and various social, economic and physical neighbourhood characteristics in Edmonton, Halifax and Thunder Bay. Analysis is based on police-reported crime data from the 2001 Incident-based Uniform Crime Reporting Survey, the 2001 Census of Population, and Halifax and Thunder Bay land-use data.


Accès en ligne


1. Introduction – 2. Structure of report – 3. Abstract – 4. Findings: Neighbourhood characteristics and the distribution of crime in Edmonton – 4.1. Edmonton in context – 4.2. Distribution of crime in the City of Edmonton in 2001 – 4.3. Neighbourhood characteristics and crime – 4.4. Descriptive results: a comparison of high- and lower-crime Neighbourhoods – 4.5. Results of multivariate analysis – 4.6. Summary of findings – Edmonton – 5. Neighbourhood characteristics and the distribution of crime in Halifax – 5.1. Halifax in context – 5.2. Distribution of crime in the City of Halifax in 2001 – 5.3. Neighbourhood characteristics and crime – 5.4. Descriptive results: a comparison of high- and lower-crime Neighbourhoods – 5.5. Results of multivariate analysis – 5.6. Summary of findings – Halifax –
6. Neighbourhood characteristics and the distribution of crime in Thunder Bay – 6.1. Thunder Bay in context – 6.2. Distribution of crime in the City of Thunder Bay in 2001 – 6.3. Neighbourhood characteristics and crime – 6.4. Descriptive results: a comparison of high- and lower-crime Neighbourhoods – 6.5. Results of multivariate analysis – 6.6. Summary of findings – Thunder Bay – 7. Discussion – 7.1. Demographic dimension – 7.2. Socio-economic dimension – 7.3. Functional dimension – 7.4. The overall picture – 7.5. Limitations and opportunities – 8. Methodology – 8.1. Data sources – 8.2. Incident based Uniform Crime Reporting Survey – 8.3. Census of population – 8.4. Land use data – 8.5. Geocoding –8.6 Definition of neighbourhoods – 8.7. Description of variables – 8.8. Multivariate analysis – 8.9. Spatial autocorrelation – 8.10. Normalization techniques.


Crime and justice research paper series, 1707-5203 ; no. 010.
Research paper (Statistics Canada : Online)

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