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The new bill [electronic resource] : modernising the police workforce / Tom Gash.

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Recherches policières canadienne


Livres électroniques




1 online resource (76 p.)


This paper outlines how changes to workforce policies and practices would help the Police Service to respond more effectively to the challenges it faces today. It sets out a vision for a much transformed modernised police workforce: one that embraces successful initiatives already being implemented and addresses gaps in the current workforce modernisation agenda.


Accès en ligne


1. Introduction -- 2. Context: challenges facing today's Police Service -- 3. Theories of workforce reform -- 4. The aims of police force modernisation -- 5. Job design and role definitions in the Police Service -- 6. Organisation design and police effectiveness -- 7. Creating a culture of learning and development -- 8. Rewarding the Police Service -- 9. Motivation in policing -- 10. A vision for modernised police workfore and the benefits of change -- 11. Making reform happen.

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