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Community response to marijuana grow operations : a guide towards promising practices / Len Garis, Darryl Plecas, Irwin M. Cohen, and Amanda V. McCormick.

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Recherches policières canadienne


Livres électroniques




Includes bibliographical references.


1 online resource (26 pages)


"September 2009."
Author(s) affiliated with: City of Surrey; and University of the Fraser Valley (CPSCJR).


"This guide is intended to provide communities with promising practices and information to help them develop their own unique responses to the grow operation public safety threat. Accompanying this guide is a collection of policies and procedures associated with Electrical and Fire Safety Inspection initiatives currently in practice in the Lower Mainland, intended to be used as reference materials. The guide is organized in a question/answer format to make it easier for the reader to fi nd the required information."--Page 3.


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