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Methods to prevent economic crime [electronic resource] / [Lars Emanuelsson Korsell].

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Recherches policières canadienne


Livres électroniques




Includes bibliographical references: 92-100.


1 online resource (111 p.)


On cover: Report 2005 : Research on economic crime".


This report focuses on white-collar crime or economic crime in Sweden. The report builds on work that the Council was commissioned by the Government to undertake in 2002 (BRÅ 2003:1). The Swedish National Audit Office (Riksrevisionsverket) had published a report to the Government noting a number of deficiencies at one of the country’s more important crime prevention agencies (RRV 2001:29). These deficiencies related inter alia to a lack of clarity as to what the agency covered in the area of prevention work and to the absence of explicit methods for how such work should be conducted. The National Council for Crime Prevention was therefore commissioned to investigate the need to prevent economic crime and to formulate suitable methods for use by anti-crime agencies.


Accès en ligne


1. Background, limits, method and arrangement of the report – 2. What does crime prevention involve? – 3. The causes of economic crime – 4. How can anti-crime agencies prevent economic crime? – 5. Towards a knowledge-oriented approach to combating economic crime – 6. Prioritisation and risk assessment – 7. General experiences of crime prevention – what works? – 8. Situational prevention of economic crime – 9. Additional methods for the prevention of economic crime – 10. Affecting other actors – the most important method.


BRÅ-rapport ; 2005:5.

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