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The use of archaeological and anthropological methods in fatal fire scene investigation / Katie Waterhouse.

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Recherches policières canadienne


Livres électroniques



Includes bibliographic references (page [17]).


1 online resource (20 pages)


"DRDC CSS TN 2009-04"
Author affiliated with: University of Alberta.


This report will highlight some of the techniques and technologies of archaeologists and anthropologists that may be of assistance in fatal fire scene investigation. The value of archaeological techniques has been previously acknowledged in fire scene recovery and the primary principals of excavation are often applied; however the full range of methods and techniques available has not yet been fully exploited. Many additional aspects of archaeological and anthropological work can be adapted and applied to fatal fire scene investigation to provide further opportunities to maximize evidence recovery and interpretation. The application of some of these techniques does require evidential proof of value, as well as research into how best to use these systems. These research avenues and identified areas of need will be discussed to consider where future research may be beneficial.


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