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Incidence of human bite marks in a selected adult population / David Sweet.

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Recherches policières canadienne


Livres électroniques




1 online resource (14 pages)


"September, 1997."
Author affiliated with Bureau of Legal Dentistry, University of British Columbia.
Includes executive summary in French.


A negotiated research project between the Canadian Police Research Centre and the Bureau of Legal Dentistry was conducted from May 26 to August 29, 1997. This project included the employment of two female undergraduate dental students to act as research assistants to collect, collate and interpret data from the Domestic Violence Program at the Vancouver General Hospital (VGH), Vancouver, BC. The project was to be conducted over a three-month period on site at VGH and at the Bureau of Legal Dentistry Laboratory (BOLD) at the UBC campus. Research assistants carried a pager and were summoned to the VGH Emergency Department as required. Additionally, a comprehensive review of the database of victims of domestic violence stored at VGH was completed.


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Technical report (Canadian Police Research Centre) ; TR-08-98.

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