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The effectiveness of use of force simulation training : final report / Craig Bennell, Natalie J. Jones.

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Recherches policières canadienne


Livres électroniques




Includes bibliographical references.


1 online resource (79 pages)


"... based on this literature review, it appears that simulation training can be a useful component of an overall use of force instructional program for officers in Canadian police agencies. However, for use of force simulation training to reach its full potential, several important changes to the current training regime must be implemented. ... These suggested modifications will increase the likelihood that police officers render appropriate decisions in use of force situations as they occur on the street. In addition, they will provide officers with the ability to fully explain and justify these decisions to the courts thereby reducing the risk of personal liability findings. Such changes will also decrease the probability that police agencies will be viewed as negligent by the courts in their training of police officers." -- Executive summary (page 6).


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Technical report (Canadian Police Research Centre) ; TR-01-2005.

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