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Saving court time using a visual presenter / by Richard Devine.

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Recherches policières canadienne


Livres électroniques




1 online resource (8 pages)


Author affiliated with the Guelph Police Service, Forensic Identification Section.
"October, 1999".


"Presentation of court documents and photographic evidence is time consuming. Production of the photographic evidence can be expensive; time for the officer to prepare, darkroom time and materials, as well as the time spent in the courtroom presenting the evidence. It is not uncommon for a court case involving a major crime to take weeks to complete both the Crowns' case and that of the defence. Witnesses time both civilian and police can add up todays depending on the complexity of the case. Court staff including the judge and the court reporters, clerks, security officers and of course the Crown attorneys are all being paid for their time while in the courtroom. The use of visual presenter (ELMO EV-500AF, simply called "ELMO") has saved hours of court time, and actual dollars for the police in preparing evidence. This technical memorandum provides details of these cost savings."


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Technical memorandum (Canadian Police Research Centre) ; TM-01-99.

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