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Review of programs to counter narratives of violent extremism : what works and what are the implications for government?/ Rachel Briggs, Sebastien Feve.

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Projet de recherche Kanishka


Livres électroniques




1 online resource (56 pages)


"December 2013."
"This report was commissioned by Public Safety Canada."--Preliminary pages.


It aims to review the state of knowledge about efforts to counter narratives of violent extremism and make recommendations for governments, such as the Canadian government, to guide their emerging work in this sensitive area of policy. It is important to stress that counternarrative work as an area of public policy is in its infancy. While community and civil society groups have been conducting this work for many years, governments are new to the issue and the private sector is feeling its way with extreme caution. This means that there are only a small number of case studies to draw upon. For this reason, as well as the limited scope of the project, the recommendations for government are tentative.


Accès en ligne


1. Introduction -- 2. Extremist messaging -- 3. The counter-messaging spectrum -- 4. Government strategic communications -- 5. Alternative narratives -- 6. Counter-narratives -- 7. Conclusions and recommendations for government -- Annex: Case studies.

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