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Regina Police Service Citizen Police Academy / by L. Wallace.

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Recherches policières canadienne


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Regina Police Service Citizens' Police Academy




1 online resource (5 pages)


"Submitted by Regina Police Service".
"September, 1995".
Executive summary in English and in French.


"The Regina Police Service Citizen Police Academy is an organization of volunteers who assist their police department in numerous ways. As an example, at the Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police Conference held in Regina in 1995, the Citizen Police Academy participated with many organizers in the overall operation of the conference to ensure its success. There are over 800 graduates of this highly successful program who are “police ambassadors” within the community. This Technical Memorandum describes the origin and intent of the program administered at the academy."


Accès en ligne


Technical memorandum (Canadian Police Research Centre) ; TM-09-96.

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