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Railway evaluation of emergency alert / by G. Forester, M. Krzyzanowski, W. Paulette.

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Recherches policières canadienne


Livres électroniques




1 online resource (7, [8] pages)


Author(s) affiliated with: National Research Council; and CP Rail.
"May, 1994."
Executive summary in English and in French.


"This memorandum describes the February 1994 testing of the prototype device called Emergalert system, built to NRC specifications. ... The main purpose of the project was to evaluate the system in a train and motor vehicle railway crossing situation. The primary objective was to delineate the effective range of the transmitter/receiver combinations when used in the field under a variety of conditions on [a] CP Rail line".


Accès en ligne


Technical memorandum (Canadian Police Research Centre) ; TM-12-94.

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