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Police Sector Council : secondary research : trends in youth perception of the police and police recruitment (2007, 2009, 2010).

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Recherches policières canadienne


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Trends in youth perception of the police and police recruitment (2007, 2009, 2010)




1 online resource (12 pages)


"August 20th, 2010".


The report "is first an overview of the results from 2010 organized in the manner that they will appear later in this report. This will provide a solid starting point from which to begin identifying trends. ... Next, this report will move onto the trends that have been identified over the three studies in broad categories. Additionally, there will be a section dedicated to analyzing all trends together to provide a sort of broad look at the current state of police recruitment and Canada and its potential future course. Finally, this report will begin to provide recommendations based on its findings for how the PSC should react and adapt to the clear and continued alterations in youth perceptions of the police in Canada."--Page 1.


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